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欧宝体育 > 师资队伍>教师队伍



  • 职  称:教授、博士生导师/硕士生导师
  • 政治面貌:中共党员
  • 招生专业:材料物理,材料化学
  • 研究方向:电子结构计算,超快自旋动力学模拟,高次谐波的理论机制研究
  • 办公地址:理工楼1308
  • 联系电话:
  • 邮  箱:sims@lzu.欧宝体育.cn

司明苏,江苏沭阳人, 欧宝体育教授,博士生导师。于2003年7月和2008年12月分别获得兰州大学物理学院学士和凝聚态物理博士学位。并获得2007年 “求是”研究生奖学金。2009年7月-2010年9月在美国印第安纳州立大学物理系进行博士后研究。2011年10月-2012年5月在密西根技术大学进行交流访问。主要从事新颖材料(如低维,拓扑体系)的电子结构计算、超快自旋动力学模拟,固体中的高次谐波的理论机制等相关领域的研究工作。在这些领域中发表论文 80 余篇,包括NatureCommunications2篇,MaterialsToday1篇,PhysicalReviewB5篇,Advanced FunctionalMaterials1篇,Applied PhysicsLetters 14篇。SCI引用2100多次,其中单篇最高引用200余次,H指数为24,i10指数为47。获得2018年IOP杂志高引用作者奖,并获得2019年甘肃省自然科学奖二等奖。



1.自旋热点主导的超快退磁机制研究,2019年01月01日 - 2022年12月31日,经费63万元


[1] Y. Cao, X. N. Bian, Z. Yan, L. Xi, N. Lei, L. Qiao, M. S. Si, J. W. Cao, D. Z. Yang et al., “Surface acoustic wave-assisted spin-orbit torque switching of the Pt/Co/Ta heterostructure”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 012401 (2021).

[2] C. Guan, B. Chen, L. Jiang, A. Karim, L. Jia, M. S. Si, et al., “Atomic-scale insights into w-variants in Galfenol triggered by displacive-diffusive transformation”, Mater. & Desig. 205, 109745 (2021).

[3] B. Lv, P. Liu, Y. Miao, Z. Lian, M. S. Si, C. Gao, “Disorder effect of 3d transition elements in DO3 Heusler alloy Mn2FeAl”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 132408 (2021).

[4] Z. Yan, J. J. Yun, W. B. Sui, L. Xi, Z. T. Xie, J. W. Cao, M. S. Si, D. Z. Yang, D. S. Xue, “Current switching of interface antiferromagnet in ferromagnet/antiferromagnet heterostructure”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 031402 (2021).

[5] L. Jia, Z. Z. Zhang, D. Z. Yang, M. S. Si, G. P. Zhang, “Probing magnetic configuration-mediated topological phases via high harmonic generation in MnBi2Te4”, Phys. Rev. B 102, 174314 (2020).

[6] W. Ji, B. Xue, S. Bera, S. Guerin, Y. Liu, H. Yuan, Q. Li, C. Yuan, L. J. W. Shimon, M. S. Si et al., “Tunable mechanical and optoelectronic properties of organic cocrystals by unexpected stacking transformation from H- to J- and X-aggregation”, Acs Nano 14, 10704 (2020).

[7] L. Jia, Z. Z. Zhang, D. Z. Yang, M. S. Si, G. P. Zhang, Y. S. Liu, “Optical high-order harmonic generation as a structural characterization tool”, Phys. Rev. B 101, 144304 (2020).

[8] B. Lv, Z. Lian, Y. Miao, C.C. Gao, M. S. Si, D. S. Xue, F. Yu, J. L. Yao, “Realization of a Heusler alloy Mn2FeAl with B2 ordering”, App. Phys. Lett. 116, 132404 (2020).

[9] Y. Cao, W. Sui, T. Wang, M. S. Si, H. G. Shi, D. Z. Yang, D. S. Xue,“Light-Induced-Magnetoresistance inp-nJunction Device”, IEEE Electron Device Letters 41, 509 (2020).

[10] Z.Yan, B. Wang, X. W. Lv, W. B. Sui, J. W. Cao, H. G. Shi, M. S. Si, D. Z. Yang, et. al., “Enhancement of thermoelectric efficiency in granular Co-Cu thin films from spin-dependent scattering”, Applied Physics Letters 116, 042401 (2020).

[11] Kai Tao, Yu Chen, Asuka A. Orr, Zhen Tian, Pandeeswar Makam, M. S. Si, et al., “Enhanced Fluorescence for Bioassembly by EnvironmentSwitching Doping of Metal Ions”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 1909614, 1-10 (2020).

[12] K. Tao, B. Xue, Q. Li, W. Hu, L. J. W. Shimon, P. Makam, M. S. Si, X. Yan, M. Zhang, et al., “Stable and optoelectronic dipeptide assemblies for power harvesting”, Materials Today 30, 10-16 (2019).

[13] T.T. Wang, J. Li, D. Q. Gao, M. S. Si, “A large enhancement of magnetism in zigzag Janus MoSSe nanoribbons: First-principles calculations”, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 127, 46003 (2019).

[14] L. Jia, Z. Y. Zhang, D. Z. Yang, M. S. Si, G. P. Zhang, Y. S. Liu, “High harmonic generation in magnetically-doped topological insulators”, Physical Review B 100, 125144 (2019).

[15] T. T. Wang, D. Q. Gao, M. S. Si, “Tuning the topological surface states in Sb2Te3/CrSb heterostructures by interface spacing”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58, 080910 (2019).

[16] X. Zeng, J. Zhang, M. Si, D. Cao, X. Deng, H. Ma, et al., “Direct imaging of dopant sites in rare-earth element-doped permanent magnet and correlated magnetism origin”, Nanoscale 11, 4385-4393 (2019).

[17] J. F. Xie, L. Jia, H. G. Shi, D. Z. Yang, M. S. Si, “Electric field mediated large valley splitting in the van der Waals heterostructure WSe2/CrI3”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58, 010906 (2018).

[18] G. P. Zhang, M. Murakami, M. S. Si, Y. H. Bai, and T. F. George, “Understanding all-optical spin switching: Comparison between experiment and theory”, Modern Physics Letters B 32, 1830003 (2018) (review).

[19] S. Chen, Z. Yang, Y. Zuo, M. S. Si, L. Xi, H. Shi, D. Yang, and D. Xue, “Temperature dependence of the electrical and thermal transport in FeCo/Cu/Ni80Fe20 spin valves”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51, 405302 (2018).

[20] K. Tao, Z. Fan, L. Sun, P. Makam, Z. Tian, M. Ruegsegger, S. Shaham-Niv, M. S. Si, et al., “Quantum confined peptide assemblies with tunable visible to near-infrared spectral range”, Nature communications 9, 1 (2018).

[21] F. Shi, L. Jia, M. S. Si, Z. Zhang, J. Xie, C. Xiao, D. Yang, H. Shi, and Q. Luo, “Tunable band inversion in half-Heusler topological LuAuSn/LuPtBi superlattices”, Applied Physics Express 11, 095701 (2018).

[22] G. P. Zhang, M. S. Si, M. Murakami, Y. H. Bai, and T. F. George, “Generating high-order optical and spin harmonics from ferromagnetic monolayers”, Nature communications 9, 1 (2018).

[23] Y. Cao, D. Yang, M. S. Si, H. Shi, and D. Xue, “Model for large magnetoresistance effect in p–n junctions”, Applied Physics Express 11, 061304 (2018).

[24] J. Xie, Q. Luo, L. Jia, Z. Y. Zhang, H. G. Shi, D. Z. Yang, and M. S. Si, “Strain-induced recovery of electronic anisotropy in 90°-twisted bilayer phosphorene”, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 121, 27002 (2018).

[25] S. Chen, D. Li, B. Cui, L. Xi, M. S. Si, D. Yang, D. Xue, “Temperature dependence of spin–orbit torques in Pt/Co/Pt multilayers”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51, 095001 (2018).

[26] J. Zhang, J. Fu, F. Shi, Y. Peng, M. S. Si, L. Cavallo, Z. Cao, “Hydrogen atom induced magnetic behaviors in two-dimensional materials: insight on origination in the model of α-MoO3”, Nanoscale 10, 14100 (2018).

[27] F.Shi, M. S. Si, J. Xie, K. Mi, C. Xiao, and Q Luo, “Hybrid density functional study of bandgaps for 27 new proposed half-Heusler semiconductors”, Journal of Applied Physics 122 , 215701 (2017).

[28] X. Wang, T. Wang, D. Yang, Z. Yang, D. Li, M. Chen, M. Si, D. Xue, and Z. Zhang, “Electrically tunable large magnetoresistance in graphene/silicon Schottky junctions”, Carbon 123, 106 (2017).

[29] T. Wang, Z. Yang, W. Wang, M. S. Si, D. Yang, H. Liu, D. Xue, “Large magnetoresistance effect in nitrogen-doped silicon”, AIP Advances 7, 056604 (2017).

[30] K. Mi, J. Xie, M. S. Si, and C. X. Gao, “Layer-stacking effect on electronic structures of bilayer arsenene”, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 117, 27002 (2017).

[31] J. M. Vai, O. J. Hernandez, Mingsu Si, Z. Wang, “Graphene electronic structure in charge density waves”, J. Mater. Res. 32, 3494 (2017).

1.甘肃省自然科学奖,缺陷诱导的纳米铁磁性,二等奖, 2019年。